Saturday, August 6, 2011

United States Bond Rating

I'm not surprised at what we all just learned: We've been relegated banana republic status by a major bond rating company. Yep, the Tea Party must be doing cot-wheels; Speaker of the House, John Boehner boasted recently how he got "98% of what we wanted", but at what cost? Our economy is so bad you can barely feel its pulse. Again, the champagne corks are a poppin', this is exactly what the Republican Party has been laying the groundwork for - A SECOND RECESSION! Congratulations! This, in all likely hood will probably be the beginning of the end for President Obama's chances at getting reelected.
Just because you (the GOP) are willing to destroy the economy for political gain, don't think the majority of the country doesn't see, know what's going on.  Just look at the recent polls and the astounding 82% of the people who blamed Congress for the whole shenanigans - specifically the intransigence of the Tea Party; well over 66% of Americans wanted a balanced approach, including revenues via taxes.
2012 elections are going to be a lot of fun.....if we aren't preoccupied with standing in soup lines!

Standard and Poors

I was distracted, now I'm back and I'm really pissed!